Orthodox River

Prayers of Saint Philaret

Lord I do not know what to beg of Thee; Thou alone knowest what is needed for me. Thou lovest me more than I know how to love Thee. O Father, give to Thy slave that for which I do not even know how to beg. I do not dare to ask for either a cross or for consolation; I am only standing before Thee with my heart open to Thee. Thou seest my needs which I do not even know; see and deal with me according to Thy mercy. Purge and heal me, humble me and raise me; I am in awe before Thee and I am silent before Thy will and Thy unfathomable ways for me. I am bring myself as a sacrafice to Thee; teach me to pray. Pray Thyself within me.


Morning Prayer of Philaret of Moscow

Sometimes referred to as the “Morning Prayer of the Optina Elders.”

O Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in peace, help me in all things to rely upon your holy will.
In every hour of the day reveal your will to me.
Bless my dealings with all who surround me.
Teach me to treat all that comes to throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will governs all.
In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings.
In unforeseen events, let me not forget that all are sent by you.
Teach me to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others.
Give me strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring.
Direct my will, teach me to pray.
And you, yourself, pray in me.
